Date of last update: 15th January 2025
Account(s) means an account opened for the Customer with LiTS (and/or its subsidiaries)for subscribing to the Service.
Activation or Activated means the point in time when the said Service is activated in the LiTS System.
Agreement means the completed registration agreement all terms and conditions spelled out herein including all subsequent unilateral amendments, variations, additions and deletions made by LiTS at its sole and absolute discretion from time to time.
Commercial Gain means any form of profits earned and/ or gained by the Customer directly and/ or indirectly arising from using/utilization of the Service with any unauthorized device or any other ways in any manner whatsoever which unfairly exploit the usage (as and when it is made available by LiTS) or activities for the purposes of unauthorized reselling.
Commercial Gain means any form of profits earned and/ or gained by the Customer directly and/ or indirectly arising from using/utilization of the Service with any unauthorized device or any other ways in any manner whatsoever which unfairly exploit the usage (as and when it is made available by LiTS) or activities for the purposes of unauthorized reselling.
Compound means a fine imposed by the city for vehicle owners or vehicle drivers for their wrong doing that violates the law imposed by the city councils.
Customer means the person authorized for using the Service subject to the terms and conditions herein and/or an entity of whatsoever description including but not limited to a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a body corporate or otherwise governmental bodies and agencies of any kind established under the laws, rules and/or regulations of its domicile for the time being in force and which may come in force more particularly described in the registration agreement.
Device means any device used to access the Flexi Parking, Wilayah Parking, or Smart Selangor Parking service that includes, but are not limited to, servers, computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile telephones or/and any accessories used together to access the Service.
LiTS means Leading Innovative Technologies & Systems Sdn Bhd (Co. number 1212539-X) or LITS Advance Sdn Bhd (Co. number 1330932-X).
LiTS System means the Flexi Parking, Wilayah Parking, or Smart Selangor Parking technology for parking payments, compound payments or any other services that may be introduced in future as value added services.
Financier means a licensed institution as defined in the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989.
Information means information, data, content, interactive applications, services and/or any other material the Customer may provide at any time, access, use and/or generate via the Service and/or LiTS Systems as applicable, including but not limited to Customer's personal data.
Mobile Telephone means the wireless telephone equipment which includes a combination of the transmitter and receiver together with accessories for the use of the Service.
Monthly Passes means all the Monthly Parking Fees imposed by the city councils including but not limited to any other charges / fees and / or service tax.
Parking Charges means the Time Bounded Parking Fees imposed by the city councils including but not limited to any other charges / fees and / or service tax.
Prepaid Credit means the prepaid value payable by the Customer for the usage of the Service including but not limited to any other charges / fees and / or service tax. Prepaid credit shall expire in 3 years from the purchase date.
User means the Customer or in the case of a company, any person nominated by the Customer to be the Principal User.
Service means the parking payment facilities using mobile solution, compound payment facilities, or any other product or Services rendered by LiTS, at this current time or in the future, using the LiTS System and includes, where applicable, the Value-Added Services.
Taxes - Charges will be stated exclusive of any taxes. Customer will be responsible for paying any taxes arising from the Agreement for which Customer is legally liable such as Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the rate in force at the date the liability arises.
Value - Added Services means additional functions, features or facilities which are currently available or will be made available by LiTS from time to time and may be subscribed to and/or used by the Customer in connection with the Service to enable the Customer to access and use information, data, content, WAP and other interactive applications and/or services over the internet and/or intranets.
(a) the Customer have provided us with your consent to use their personal information for the provision of Services; and
(b) the Customer will pay or allow us to deduct from their account all fees and charges associated with the use of the Services.